Underwater Adventures (23 episodes)
award-winning series of
short documentaries broadcasted primetime by RAI
Underwater Adventures (23 episodes)
award-winning series of
short documentaries broadcasted primetime by RAI
(Canada, Vancouver Island)
In the labyrinth of fjords and islands of the eastern coast of Vancouver Island, the channels wind themselves like rivers and torrents among the woody hills. The icy waters, along with the swift currents, make the descent quite difficult in this astonishing underwater world, home of an extraordinary marine fauna. A giant octopus of huge dimensions advances in the depth, dimmed by a great quantity of sediments and plankton. We meet its disquieting glaze, while its tentacles blossom like gigantic flowers showing its big white suckers
(Canada, Vancouver Island)
Beneath the tides of the Pacific northwest a mysterious world of wildlife lies hidden. In the frigid depths of a hostile sea, we find ourselves face to face with one of the biggest octopus ever filmed in the wild. Diving in turbulent and often murky waters, we discover a unique congregation of marine creatures: the wolf-eel, a harmless beast with a terrifying aspect, shoals of huge salmon, gathered together in the estuaries, otters, killer-whales, dogsharks, king crabs and codfish
(Canada, Vancouver Island)
In the frigid depths of a hostile ocean is the home of one of the biggest octopus ever filmed in the wild. This is the terrifying, tentacled monster of ancient legends and myths: the Giant Octopus of the Pacific. The octopus has had to bear the brunt of embodying the anxieties and apprehensions of mankind, the terror of that which creeps, seizes, and strangles. But here is a frail and gentle creature that willingly accepts our caresses, a silent ambassador from the world where life first appeared on our planet
(Red Sea)
This is the story of special deep-sea experiences: games with big groupers, attempts out of the ordinary at making "contact" with fish. We expected the largest inhabitant of the submerged cliffs of the Mediterranean to be a timid, solitary creature, but the groupers are actually quite curious and sociable! We're tempted to treat them like children. Not only are their perceptions more numerous and complex than ours, but each of them has a distinct personality of its own. There’s still much to be learned about these silent messengers from the world where the first forms of life developed
television, web streaming and in-flight broadcasting
(Canada, Vancouver Island)
Along the western coast of Canada, northward as far as the gulf of Alaska, the crevices inside the rocky walls are the ideal habitat of the wolf-eel; nevertheless, an encounter with a couple of these animals is an infrequent occasion. Despite its rather monstrous appearance, the wolf eel is completely harmless. We’ve brought along a mirror to test its territorial instinct. Even on the ocean floor, living space is a precious commodity...
(2 x 8', or 1 x 12')
Many islands of the Pacific communicate with each other through a labyrinth of grottoes and underwater canals. These grottoes contain many memories of this sea and the animals that inhabit it. In the heart of a cave, a wonderful surprise awaits us: out of the darkness an extraordinary creature emerges, an inhabitant of the deepest ocean abyss, unchanged after millions of years. The nautilus is a true living fossil
The turtles line up for a place at the top of a large rock. This is a true cleaning station. A team of black surgeon fish and cleaner fish take care to maintain the turtle’s shell in perfect condition. Marine turtles swam in the oceans of prehistory. Luckily, it seems they intend to survive for a long time to come in our seas! A male green turtle is about to mate with his companion. But in the free waters of the ocean it’s difficult to find a bit of privacy, and soon another male turns up, ready to try anything to substitute for his rival
12) The Barracuda's Great Shoal (6')
Perhaps it is strange to speak of streets and borders underwater, but, in fact, the shallows that circumscribe Sipadan island mark the favourite routes of the giant barracuda… You cannot predict an encounter with fish that are among the fastest predators of the ocean and whose domain is the free waters of the sea. They are so numerous and compact that they manage to cloud the sky of the underwater world. As if possessing one collective intelligence, the shoal forms ever new figures. The fish swim in close-knit files, like millions of arrows
In the heart of the Pacific Ocean, a crossroad of oceanic currents is so heavily frequented by hammerhead sharks that local divers calls it "ferreterìa", which means "hardware store". The army of hammerhead sharks that patrols these waters is an impressive spectacle. According to the accounts of some divers, hammerhead sharks use their heads during attacks, to push larger prey - even the big mantas - down toward the seabed. Hammerhead sharks are considered dangerous, even though actual attacks are rare. But certainly, in this island, such judgement are not based on large numbers!
The first light of the morning wakens the reef. A turtle spent the night in a small grotto, lying on a cushion of gorgonian that sways with the current. It’s time for this turtle to take a mouthful of air. His ancestors adapted to the sea 150 million years ago, but the turtle remains tied to his history as a land animal
The current has made the water murky: we can barely see the shadows of the sharks from a great shoal, at a short distance. Approaching an underwater mountain that arises to within twenty meters of the surface, we witness a disquieting spectacle: a great gathering of moray eels. A multitude of these serpent-shaped fish has assembled around this reef. The reason behind this congregation remains a mystery
White-tipe reef sharks are the absolute lords of the reef. Even so, theirs are not the most powerful jaws; the fish that feed off coral claim that distinction. Bump-head parrot fish are able to detach egg-sized hunks of coral with one bite. Their stomachs digest the coral, assimilating the nutritive substances it contains; their waste is dispersed in the sea in the form of coral sand. The beach, like many others on tropical islands, is composed of very fine powder of coral which, for the most part, is the result of a true activity of demolition. It’s a detail
the Coral Reefs (6’)
(1 x 4', or 1 x 13’30)
Close friend of Jacques Cousteau, André Laban has been one of the pioneers of the odyssey of the Calypso. A highly cultured, artistic man - chemical engineer and writer - he is the designer of Cousteau’s submarines. He loves to paint under the sea, and, if he could, he would also play his favourite instrument there: the violoncello
Palme d'Argent - XXII Festival Mondial de l'Image Sous-marine
Special Award for the "Humour and Unusual
UNIVERSAL EXPO 1998 - Lisbon: official selection
First Award -International Festival of Underwater Cinema - Rome
Best Photography Award - Pelagos – Rome
The current has made the water murky: we can barely see the shadows of the sharks from a great shoal, at a short distance. Approaching an underwater mountain that arises to within twenty meters of the surface, we witness a disquieting spectacle: a great gathering of moray eels. A multitude of these serpent-shaped fish has assembled around this reef. The reason behind this congregation remains a mystery